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Principles for Career Acceleration

Andrew Ritchart
Andrew Ritchart

It might not be your fault, that doesn’t mean it’s not your responsibility.

Do not plan your career. The world is too unpredictable.

Send a weekly email summary to your boss and peers.

There is no substitute for hard work and consistency.

Never do anything that hurts your reputation.

You don’t need a goal, you need curiosity.

Optimize for learning over salary and title.

Build skills that are rarely found together.

Do something hard to gain confidence.

Pick a company in a growing industry.

Be kind to everyone in all situations.

Think of your career as a portfolio.

Find asymmetric opportunities.

Be impeccable with your word.

Use humor and have fun.

Play long term games.

Bring positive energy.

Act like an owner.

Learn to write.

Kill risk.


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