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Happy Father's Day

Andrew Ritchart
Andrew Ritchart
1 min read

Something particularly hard to learn is that much of your parents advice for you is often not the right advice.

(I try to keep this in mind as we raise our son and I feel that natural pull to solve problems for him).

It's based on their own experiences in a completely different time period with much different context.

I can remember pivotal life moments where I'd ask my dad things like...

  • Where should I go to college?
  • How should I respond to this?
  • How do I solve this problem?
  • What should I do for my career?

...and getting so upset because what I really wanted was for him to give me an answer. I idolized my dad. Still do.

He never let me rely on what he would do or immediately voice his opinion.

While it was never obvious what he was doing in those moments, this was one of the greatest things he did for me.

Pushing and teaching me how to think, not what to think.

Being a dad now, I hope can do the same for my kids.

Happy Father's Day.


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